Virtual Monetization Summit | February 4-5, 2025

Be a pro at managing subscriptions

We have made it easier for you to manage subscriptions so you can be more efficient and profitable.

Simplify your subscription workflows

CloudBlue’s subscription management empowers you to oversee the entire lifecycle, from creating subscriptions and processing payments to generating detailed invoices and making easy adjustments, whether it’s for digital or physical products, helping drive your company’s expansion. 

Create, manage, and automate subscriptions, including upgrades or downgrades, renewals, and restoring an expired subscription.


Automate your billing and invoicing process

Manage any billing model of your choice – recurring, one-time, and usage-based, and integrate it with any external platform for automated invoicing.

Define your own pricing models

Offer trials, discounts, and different promotion pricing strategies to acquire new customers and grow your current customer base.

Get a 360° view of your billing process

Analyze subscription and billing data on processes, revenue, and payment patterns to make informed decisions on pricing, billing models, and customer retention.
Advania Logo
“The CloudBlue portal lets us deliver services at the right time and the right price.”

Kristoffer Bradqvist
Head of Marketplace, Advania

CloudBlue Solutions


Subscription & Billing

Simplify and automate the complex end-to-end ordering process.


Catalog Management

Create detailed product offers with attractive solutions bundles.


Reseller Management

Grow your channel with complete management of your n-tier resellers.


Hyperscaler Marketplaces

Publish products on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud platform.


Ecosystem Marketplace

Procure, purchase, and sell products globally in various currencies and languages.

Ready to get started?

Talk with a CloudBlue expert today to get started.

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